Knowles Law Firm, PLC Articles Spinal Cord Injuries in Car Accidents

Spinal Cord Injuries in Car Accidents

By Knowles Law Firm, PLC  Apr. 17, 2012 10:19a

A spinal cord injury is one of the most serious that an individual can sustain. The major cause of these injuries is motor vehicle accidents where drivers, passengers, or pedestrians receive a major impact to the neck or spine, resulting in a complete or incomplete injury to the spinal cord. In a complete injury, the individual retains no function below the injured spinal area; this results in a complete loss of sensation and an inability to make any voluntary movements in the limbs and muscles below the injury. These cases generally result in permanent disability, as in cases of paraplegia or quadriplegia. In an incomplete injury, the individual retains some function below the injured area; he may have some sensation, be able to move or partially move certain muscles or may be able to function more on one side of the body or one area of the body than another.

A person with a damaged spinal cord also may experience other physical losses, including loss of sexual function, loss of bladder and bowel control, and even the ability to breathe. Other disabilities which may accompany this are the inability to control one’s body temperature, loss of ability to sweat in dysfunctional body parts, loss of blood pressure regulation, and chronic pain. Needless to say, a spinal cord injury can result in catastrophic medical conditions which can threaten one’s life as well as make lifelong medical care or personal assistance a requirement.

Prescott Car Accident Attorney

For those unfortunate enough to suffer a spinal cord injury as a result of a car accident, sufficient financial compensation to cover extended medical expenses may be crucial. In cases where such injuries are the result of negligence on the part of a driver, car or auto equipment manufacturer, or other third parties, legal representation is essential to ensure that a settlement commensurate with the nature and degree of the injuries is obtained. In Prescott, Arizona the Knowles Law Firm excels at providing capable legal representation in such cases. A Prescott car accident lawyer at the firm is part of an experienced legal team with proven results that works relentlessly to ensure that you achieve all of the damages to which you are entitled following catastrophic injuries sustained in a preventable accident.

Contact a Prescott car accident attorney for competent legal help following a traffic accident today.

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