Knowles Law Firm, PLC Articles Arizona Wrongful Death Claims and Lawsuits

Arizona Wrongful Death Claims and Lawsuits

By Knowles Law Firm, PLC  Apr. 17, 2012 10:19a

A wrongful death action may be filed in cases where negligent actions or inactions resulted in the death of an individual. The most frequent cause of such a legal action occurs from auto accidents in which a negligent driver is at fault in the death of another, whether it is a passenger in his vehicle, the occupants of another vehicle, a pedestrian or bicyclist. In Arizona, those who may pursue a wrongful death claim are the surviving husband or wife of the deceased, the surviving parents of a child, or the deceased’s personal representative acting on behalf of the estate.

A wrongful death action may be initiated by family survivors or personal representative only in cases where the deceased would have had cause to pursue a claim for personal injuries had he or she lived. Liability for damages is proven in a wrongful death case in the same manner as it is in personal injury cases. Juries may award damages such as the loss of love, affection, companionship, protection, or care that the deceased person provided; pain, stress, shock, grief, and other suffering inflicted upon survivors and expectations of more in the future; the loss of income and services that the deceased person provided and was expected to provide in the future; funeral and burial expenses associated with the death; and the medical expenses incurred by the decedent before death.

Tucson Personal Injury Attorney

If you have lost a loved one in a preventable accident in the Tucson area, you should get the advice of a competent attorney about the damages to which you may be entitled under Arizona statute. The Knowles Law Firm is a personal injury firm that has an impressive record in achieving proven results for injury victims as well as those who have lost a loved one in a wrongful action. Taking prompt action is necessary as a statute of limitations may apply which allows you only a given time period to take legal action. By discussing your case with a Tucson wrongful death attorney, you can be advised about your legal rights and what to expect in pursuing legal action. Though nothing can bring back your loved one, the settlement of a wrongful death claim may bring a form of closure and comfort to you and your family.

Contact a Tucson wrongful death lawyer at the firm if your immediate family member has died through negligence in an accident today.

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