Nursing Home Abuse in Texas
By Jimmy Doan
Aug. 11, 2010 1:30p
On ayearly basis in the state of Texas, each nursing home facility is inspected and a report is prepared documenting the findings and noting any deficiencies found by the surveyors. In the survey report, the exact violation is listed on the left hand column of the report and the plan for correction is noted on the right.
These documents must be made available to the public and should be viewed so you can have the correct information on the level of care going on at the facility where you have placed a family member. Some violations do not mean that the facility is providing poor quality care.
There are categories on the inspection and some violations are cause for concern more than others. These categories include:
- Nursing care
- Dietary services
- Quality of life
- Rehab services
- Physician services
- Pharmacy services
- Infection control
- Observation of patient rights
- Facility management
Possible Signs of Abuse or Neglect
Following are some things to look for that may be indications of nursing home abuse. If you see these happening, you should contact a
personal injury attorney experienced with nursing home abuse cases.
- The facility is not clean, bed linens are dirty, floors are dirty, or the scent of urine or other foul odors are present.
- Residents have bruises (possible sign of abuse or lack of supervision and resident is having falls).
- Residents looking apathetic and listless from being possible overmedication.
- No care plan drawn up to meet physical, mental, social and medical needs of resident.
- Signs of malnutrition or dehydration
- Pressure sores not being properly treated to promote healing
- No exercise available to maintain range of motion for residents
- Medication errors
- Involuntary seclusion of resident
- Lack of any infection control program in the facility
At the Law Offices of Doan Law, we are experienced in handling nursing home abuse cases in the Houston area and can help you gain compensation if you have someone who has been a victim of abuse. Our goal is to fight for maximum compensation to truly reflect the damages that have occurred. Having experienced attorneys to work with who know how to deal with insurance companies can make all the difference in the outcome of the claim.
We can help take the confusion and frustration out of the situation while getting the facility to take responsibility for their errors and negligence. If your trusts have been betrayed and someone you love is not getting the care you are paying for, do not hesitate to call us for help.
Contact a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer at our office for a free consultation and we will go over the details of your case.
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