The Doan Law Firm, P.C. Articles Texas Workman’s Compensation

Texas Workman’s Compensation

By Jimmy Doan  Jan. 5, 2011 3:40p

The state of Texas is one of the three states in the nation that allows employers to elect whether or not to carry worker's compensation. Texas, New Jersey and South Carolina are the three states who allow employers the "choice." The employers, who elect not to carry worker's compensation, have no protection from being sued in the event an employee is injured on the job. It is the duty of the employer to notify their employees whether or not the employer carries worker's compensation insurance.

The only people who are covered under worker's compensation insurance are employees. An employee would be any person who is under an oral or written appointment, or contract, or apprenticeship who is either working on a part time or full time basis. This includes people who are unlawfully employed, minors, prisoners in work programs, resident and non-resident aliens. However, people who are domestic workers, casual workers in private homes, independent contractors and casual labor are not covered under worker's compensation.

The injury must have taken place during the course of employment. This means the injury must have occurred either on the job or while performing a task under the direction of the employer. An employee would not be covered during travel to and from employment.

Workers compensation typically covers accidental injuries or repetitive stress injuries such as carpal-tunnel syndrome, as well as many other physical problems brought on by every day work. Even pre-existing injuries that are made worse through one's work may be covered.

Have You Been Injured at Work?

If you have been injured on the job, getting the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney can help ensure that you receive the best benefits, medical care and income. At the Doan Law Firm, P.A., we have helped our clients receive the best possible care and compensation for their injuries at work. We will work tirelessly on your behalf in order to protect your rights after a workplace injury.

Contact a Houston Workman's Compensation Lawyer from our firm today for a free case evaluation.

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