Law Office of Mark Bush - San Diego Articles Possible Salmonella Contamination Prompts Recall of Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

Possible Salmonella Contamination Prompts Recall of Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

By Law Office of Mark Bush  Oct. 13, 2011 9:19a

Recalls in the food industry are not uncommon and another example of this finds its way into the major news.  A limited recall is being conducted of Skippy Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter Spread along with their Reduced Fat Super Chunk Peanut Butter Spread as it may be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella is an organism that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in the elderly, pregnant women, young children or those with compromised immune systems. Organ failure, organ damage, and miscarriages are some of the more fatal results that can occur.

Symptoms of Salmonella Poisoning

A person who is generally in good health may experience fever, diarrhea (which can include blood), nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. On rare occasion, Salmonella can get into the bloodstream and produce severe illness such as endocarditis, arterial infections, and arthritis. 

The Skippy recall was started and coordinated with the FDA after a routine company sampling of the products which revealed that specific ones might be contaminated.  The codes to look for on the side of the jar relate to the "Best-If-Used-By" dates May 16-21 2012, and consumers are warned that if they have any of these jars (16.3 oz plastic jars) they are to discard them and contact the company for a credit coupon.

Have you been a victim of food poisoning in San Diego?

An individual can suffer from food poisoning as a result of:

  • Contaminated seafood or other type of food
  • E-coli
  • Trichinosis (common in pork)
  • Unsanitary food preparation conditions
  • Salmonella and more

If you have been a victim of food poisoning due to someone's negligence, you should consult with a San Diego personal injury attorney for advice. A bad case of food poisoning can have negative effects on person's health for years to come and can in some cases, even cause death in which case, a  wrongful death suit may be in order.

At the Law Office of Mark Bush, we can assist you with a personal injury claim to recover any losses or expenses you may had had to incur from a food poisoning incident.  We know how to investigate the complexities involved in cases like these so as to bring about successful results.  It is our view that one should not have to pay for the negligence and wrongdoing of others.

Contact a San Diego food poisoning lawyer in our office for a free consultation if you suspect food poisoning and we will go over the details of your case.

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