On The Job Injuries

By Law Office of Mark Bush  Oct. 13, 2011 9:21a

When an individual is working to support a family and gets injured on the job, they are not the only one affected. They may have an entire family depending upon them for food, clothing, and shelter.  If the main income provider of the family is out of commission, this can have devastating effects on everyone in the family and compensation becomes a necessity. For a serious injury, an individual may be unable to work for a long period of time and while recovering, medical expenses can be quite high.

You May Qualify for More Coverage

Worker's compensation does handle most expenses when on-the-job-injuries occur, but there are circumstances when more coverage is required. Sometimes a third-party civil lawsuit is in order as negligence from a third party was involved. A San Diego personal injury lawyer can help you determine if this is a possibility. If your recovery is going to take additional time, you have to anticipate a loss of   income   and will need additional compensation. Circumstances do exist where a manufacturer can be held liable if a piece of equipment was faulty which caused injury to a worker.  Negligence can occur as well if part of a job was done incorrectly by some other company or contractor resulting in an accident at a later point on the job.

Common Causes of Work Injuries

Some of the more common causes of work injuries include:

  • Improper training
  • Safety violations
  • Equipment malfunctions
  • Vehicle malfunctions
  • Defective products or design of product

If you have been injured on the job, don't delay in getting legal help in order to preserve valuable evidence that can otherwise get misplaced, lost or overlooked. 

For qualified and experienced representation for a worksite injury, contact a San Diego workplace injury attorney in our office for a free initial consultation today.

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