Featured News 2016 Jones Act Protects Injured Seamen

Jones Act Protects Injured Seamen

On land, U.S. workers are protected by workers' compensation laws, but that's not the case if they work at sea. But seamen are protected under the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, also known as the Jones Act, which is a federal statute that serves several purposes, including protecting the rights of seamen.

Working at sea can be very dangerous, and it's not uncommon for crewmembers to sustain injuries onboard, or while being knocked off a vessel into the raging sea below. They're also dealing with heavy equipment and the possibility of being in the vicinity of a dangerous explosion.

Under the Jones Act, if a sailor is injured, he can claim negligence against the ship's owner, or his fellow crew members and seek compensation for his losses.

Similar legislation was already in place for railroad workers, and the Jones Act extended the same types of protections, allowing sailors to recover damages when they're injured on the job.

Seamen's Rights Under the Jones Act

Generally, if a sailor has suffered a work-related injury, they have the right to file an action for damages, and they have the right to a trial by jury. The Jones Act allows injured seamen to file a claim based on negligence; these rights are critical because they are not offered under international maritime law.

You can find the Jones Act in Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. In addition to protecting seamen, it also requires that when goods and passengers are transported between various U.S. ports, that it's done on ships that are made in the U.S., and that at least 75% of the crew are U.S. citizens.

Were you injured while working at sea? Or, was your loved one killed while working on a ship, boat, or an oil rig? If so, you may have rights to compensation under the Jones Act.

To learn more about what you're entitled to, contact a personal injury attorney!

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