Featured News 2012 Water Parks are Prime Targets for Personal Injury Lawsuits

Water Parks are Prime Targets for Personal Injury Lawsuits

Water parks can be a lot of fun, but they often create the potential for various injuries. The most probable injuries in a water park are slip and fall injuries because of the many bare feet and slippery, wet floors on the premises. There is also a potential for injury when riding down the slippery slides. People have been cut by sharp objects wedged in the slide or hurt their backs by sliding down without an inner tube to protect them. According to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, children should wear water shoes when at a water park in order to reduce the possibility of slipping.

These shoes also reduce the possibility of stubbing a toe or burning the bottoms of the feet on hot pavement. Children who are under 48”, those who don’t know how to swim, and those who are weak swimmers should always be issued a life vest when at the water park. These life vests should be provided for free by the amusement park personnel. If you are unsure that you can find a vest at the park, then bring your own from home. You can also reduce waterpark injuries by reading the warning signs that are posted before every slide.

Because of the intensity and speed of some slides, there are times that pregnant women should not ride, or that the rides may have a height requirement. Make sure to adhere to these warnings in order to circumvent an avoidable injury. Life guards should be stationed at every slide to make sure that young children or individuals that are in danger of harm by riding down the slide don’t participate. The Centers for Disease and Control Prevention also suggests that you do not drink pool water. Teach your children to keep this water out of their mouths, because despite high chlorine content it may be filled with bacteria.

In general, waterparks have pretty impressive safety records. America has about 1,000 waterparks which bring about 80 million customer per year. The attractions are considered one of the safest forms of recreation available to the public, and have a higher safety record than soccer, skiing, bicycling, and others. Yet that doesn’t mean that accidents don’t happen. At an indoor water park in Vermont, an 8-year-old boy recently got stuck inside one of the tube slides. When the lifeguard allowed two more boys to slide down the massive slide, they slammed into the child at high speeds. The little boy suffered a broken ankle and another man was injured when he hit the child in his descent down the slide.

The lifeguards were reprimanded for failing to stop the slide line when they realized that the little boy never came out of the slide. Sensors even blinked, showing that someone was inside the ride when they allowed the next people to go. In the past, other water park accidents have included collapsing slides and many slip and fall incidents. When you or a loved one is injured in a water park accident, you have the right to press charges against the park.

You can seek damages for the medical bills, pain and suffering, recovery time, and future income loss as a result of your pain. Locate a personal injury lawyer in your area today to talk about your accident and determine whether or not you have a legitimate claim. A lawyer on this directory can help you to get the representation you need and develop a case by your side that can obtain you thousands or millions in damages.

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