Study Show Pregnant Drivers are at Higher Risk to Car Crashes
Posted on May 19, 2014 3:50pm PDT
An interested study completed in Canada reports that pregnant women are more likely to be involved in a serious motor-vehicle accident, especially in their second trimesters. This conclusion was reached after the study author at Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Ontario examined more than 500,000 pregnant women for four years before delivery. The study discovered that one out of every 50 pregnant women were involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Live Science reports that women who have passed the first trimester of pregnancy often suffer from insomnia, back pain and a more hectic life. This can lead them to be less focused while driving. If these women are distracted out on the road, this can immediately lead to a serious crash. Even when pregnant women are passengers in cars, they run the risk of a miscarriage during an accident.
With this knowledge in mind, pregnant women should take precautions when it comes to driving. Studies show that in most cases, pregnant women are perfectly capable of driving while they are with child. It is important that all drivers watch the road and avoid distracted driving.
Women should always wear a seatbelt while pregnant. It is suggested that women put the lap portion of the seatbelt low on the abdomen and the shoulder portion across the sternum. Also, despite popular belief, pregnant women should not disable airbags. While these airbags can cause injuries, they are a protection from other serious injuries that could occur from flying into the dashboard in a crash.
Pregnant women should make sure to position their steering wheels so that they avoid belly contact. If you want more information about pregnant women and car accidents or if you have been injured in a car accident and would like to seek compensation from the party at-fault, don't hesitate to contact a local attorney. This directory can help you to find a trustworthy lawyer near you.
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