Featured News 2014 Personal Injury Possibilities: Marathon and Race Lawsuits

Personal Injury Possibilities: Marathon and Race Lawsuits

Marathons and other races involve incredible stamina on behalf of the competitors. Some races are known for their difficult obstacles and the physical hardship. Yet when people aren't properly conditioned or trained, these races and competitions can result in very serious injuries.

This is what happened last year in West Virginia, when a young man signed up to complete a particularly infamous race called the Tough Mudder. This race involves an obstacle course that is slathered in mud. Race participants are expected to complete all obstacles as they race towards the finish line. Most individuals have to train excessively before participating in the Tough Mudder. A 28-year-old man from Ellicott City, Maryland chose to participate in the Tough Mudder held in West Virginia.

During the middle of the race, he was pulled from the water pit of a "Walk the Plank" obstacle. The obstacle involves climbing a wooden platform and jumping 15 feet into a water pit. The man was injured during the jump and was pulled from the water and taken to a hospital. He died the next day from his injuries. His mother is suing Tough Mudder LLC for failing to follow basic safety precautions during their race. Tough Mudder has not responded to requests and says that all participants must be 18 and sign a liability waiver. The Brooklyn-based company says that this is the first individual who has died in their race.

In a different and recent situation, a 20-year-old runner collapsed near the finish line of a Boulder Spring Half Marathon at the Boulder Reservoir in Colorado. The young woman was hospitalized in critical condition following the race when she collapsed. The hospital will perform an autopsy on the body to determine what went wrong, but at present her family is devastated. The victim was a health and exercise major at Colorado State University. Individuals are not certain whether or not the young woman trained properly for the race.

Oftentimes, if individuals are not properly trained and conditioned for the race or event that they are participating in, they can become severely injuries. Unconditioned muscles can tear, bones may break, or an athlete may go into cardiac arrest. If your loved one died when participating in a race, you may be able to sue the individuals who put on the event if they did not explain safety precautions to all participants.

Some races required the participants to fill out waivers which protect the company from lawsuits. You will want to carefully research your situation before you choose to file a lawsuit. A professional personal injury attorney near you will be able to investigate your situation and determine whether or not you have the ability to file a lawsuit. Use this directory to find an attorney near you today!

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