Featured News 2014 Tips to Reduce ATV Accident Risks

Tips to Reduce ATV Accident Risks

While the numbers have been decreasing, the injury and fatality statistics for all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents are still incredibly high. Every year, more than 100,000 people go to the emergency room due to ATV-related injuries; hundreds die from ATV accidents. A significant number of these casualties happen to children who are younger than sixteen. Off-road riding can be a thrilling experience activity for the summer, but only if it can be enjoyed safely.

There is always an inherent risk when operating heavy machinery, so to minimize this risk, here are several safety tips you can observe this summer:

  • Always wear a helmet: You want a certified helmet, one approved the U.S. Department of Transportation or by the Snell Memorial Foundation.
  • Put on other safety gear too: Goggles, gloves, long pants, longs sleeves, and over-the-ankle boots are important for protecting riders from impact and friction as well.
  • Never let children ride an adult-sized ATV: Not only should children not be allowed to operate the massive machine, but they should not be passengers on an adult ATV either.
  • Stay off of paved roads while driving an ATV: Taking an ATV out on paved roads accounts for many ATV-related deaths. These vehicles cannot be operated smoothly on these roads, and accident involving cars are particularly catastrophic.
  • Complete an ATV safety course: If you can go through a hands-on training through an official class, your risk of injury is shown to drop.
  • Never have more than one person riding the ATV: All-terrain vehicles are almost never meant to accommodate more than one person. A passenger can severely imbalance the vehicle, and can impair the driver.
  • Never drive under the influence.

Just as with any motor vehicle accident, those involved may need fair compensation to cover medical costs, any missed pay, etc. If another motorist is at fault for the accident, either for recklessness or intoxication for example, you may be able to file an insurance claim or a legal suit. An ATV accident could also be the result of a vehicle defect, such as a faulty part that causes the ATV to roll over. If you or a loved one has been in an ATV accident, find out if you can file a claim for compensation when you talk to a personal injury lawyer about your case.

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