Featured News 2014 Comedian Wins $1.3 Million in Slip and Fall Lawsuit

Comedian Wins $1.3 Million in Slip and Fall Lawsuit

Comedian George Wallace recently won $1.3 million in damages after suffering serious injury from a 2007 fall at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. According to reports, the comedian was in the middle of a performance at the Bellagio when he tangled his leg in some of the wiring onstage and took a spill. Now, almost seven years later, the comedian claims that the accident caused him to lose millions of dollars in lifetime earnings because of his debilitating injuries.

Wallace claims that he suffered a tendon injury that left him "permanently hobbled" and unable to perform stand-up comedy like he once did. Originally, the successful comedian sought $7.1 million in damages from the grand hotel. Though he did not win the large settlement he originally wanted, he says that he is satisfied with his $1.3 million in earnings. The Bellagio challenged this claim, showing that he not only completed his show at the Bellagio that night, but went back and performed at the Flamingo resort in Las Vegas where he had been performing a comedic routine every night for ten years.

The comedians' settlement includes $1.2 million for lost income, $100,000 for pain and suffering, and $8,500 to cover medical expenses. The comedian was able to prove that he suffered significantly in the incident. He says that he had a pre-existing Achilles tendon issue, which was compounded when he tripped on the state. Wallace says that it felt like a bear trap clamped on his leg at the time of the accident.

Wallace says that the torn tendon ended his time working at the Bellagio and performing nightly for Las Vegas crowds. However he may still continue his comedic career on-screen in a sitcom. The Bellagio says that they have not yet made up their mind about a possible appeal.

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident you have the right to sue as well. Whether you trip on cords or wires, fall on a slick water puddle, or trip on loose carpet, you may be able to seek significant damages for your injuries. Whenever you enter a hotel, an amusement park, a grocery store, a shopping mall, or virtually any premises, the property owner is personally liable for your safety. If you are injured on that premises, you may have the right to sue. You will need to prove that you were not liable for the accident and that it was not your own recklessness that caused the accident. If you want more information, don't hesitate to call today!

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