Featured News 2013 Auto Accidents High Over Thanksgiving Weekend

Auto Accidents High Over Thanksgiving Weekend

Over Thanksgiving weekend, the amount of automobile accidents skyrockets. This year, there is added peril because of an ill-timed storm sweeping through the Northeast. This storm has already been held responsible for the deaths of 11 Americans throughout the United States. Progressive, a car insurance company, discovered that there is a 24% increase in accidents that involve parking and rear-enders over Thanksgiving weekend.

As well, there is a 17% increase in general collisions, and there is a 14% increase in claims that involve vehicles that run into buildings or private property. Many of these accidents happen because of the massive amount of DUI offenders that are out on the roads during Thanksgiving weekend. The wine that is consumed with a Thanksgiving dinner, as well as the holiday drinks and cocktails and the beers that may be served at holiday gatherings can facilitate drivers with high BACs.

As a result of this, drivers are at serious risk to injuries and accidents. Slick roads also cause some of the accidents during this time, as well as the mayhem of so many cars travelling the freeways. Emergency rooms report that they see more serious accidents later in the night on the Wednesday before thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and the day after. This is because later in the night or very early in the morning, the roads have cleared and those that do decide to travel at this time are increasingly at risk to accidents and injuries because they are travelling at higher speeds.

Many of the accidents that happen during the daytime are at low speeds because of the traffic on the road. The accidents can often facilitate bruises, soft tissue injuries, or neck injuries, but later at night there are more critical condition injuries that occur. Motorcyclists should also be careful on Thanksgiving weekend, as they could be injured in the heavy traffic if they attempt to speed through lanes and navigate through all the stalled cars.

Another danger on Thanksgiving weekend is parking lot incidents. Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year, which means that many mall parking lots will be jam packed. This means that there will be many accidents involving hitting parked cars. There also may be some pedestrian accidents which will occur when a driver pulls out of a spot too fast without looking to make sure that no shoppers are crossing behind the vehicle.

If you are involved in a Thanksgiving car accident, then you need to hire a local car accident or personal injury attorney to help you with your case. A personal injury lawyer near you can help to dissect the evidence from the accident and make sure that you are getting a fair settlement given the circumstances of your case. If you are involved in a parking lot accident, you will want to make sure that you take photographs of the accident and get witness statements, as the police do not typically respond to these accidents.

Instead, you will need to document all of the evidence on your own and will want to make sure to hire a convincing lawyer that can assist you in your case. Don't hesitate to hire an attorney today and get the information that you need to seek compensation from the driver at fault in your thanksgiving accident today! Don't let a car collision or pedestrian accident ruin your holidays. An accomplished attorney may be able to take care of the details of your case, freeing you up to go holiday shopping and enjoy time with your family during this special time of the year.

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