Featured News 2013 Over 170 Injured and 3 Dead in Boston Bombing

Over 170 Injured and 3 Dead in Boston Bombing

On Monday, two bombs exploded near the Boston Marathon finish line, causing 170 injuries and killing three people. The incident was originally declared an act of terrorism, though the FBI is still trying to locate a criminal who can be held responsible for the offense and deduce that offender's motives. According to Mercury News, the FBI believes that they may have discovered a criminal that aided in the bombings.

A cell phone camera video was turned over to the FBI and allegedly shows an individual running from the finish line of the Boston Marathon after placing a package near the finish line. An enhanced security camera recording shows a man leaving a black bag next to a mailbox at the site of a second explosion. Investigators reportedly were able to determine a clear view of his face.

The FBI declared that there have been no arrests made in connection with the Boston bombing but they are very close in securing suspects and making arrests. Most of the 176 injured victims received shrapnel injuries from flying ball bearings, nails, and other sharp objects that were inside the bombs which exploded.

Hospital workers at medical facilities near Boston claim that many of the injuries from the scene mimic war wounds. Medical professionals worked to quickly remove shrapnel from about 176 victims who were harmed in the accident.

At least 10 individuals also lost a limb in the explosion. According to CNN, medical professionals found up to 40 metal pellets inside some of the victims, and one victim was riddled with 20 carpenter-style nails. The shrapnel was not external, but came from inside the bomb and shot at victims when the explosive detonated. Medical professionals say that the shrapnel from the bomb could have been deadly in many cases.

Most of the injuries seen at hospitals are shrapnel injuries to the lower extremities. Two individuals at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have had to undergo amputations because of their wounds, and many others were able to preserve their limbs but have had to go through other aggressive care procedures.

U.S. News claims that some people experienced immediate amputations at the bombing when their legs were blown off during the explosion. Others experienced sudden fractures and blood loss. At least one victim of the accident is now a double amputee. The American Journal of Clinical Medicine determines that the injuries from a blast can be divided into four categories.

The first category is primary injuries such as those from high-order explosives that are internal. Oftentimes the ear drum, intestines, or lungs can be instantly damaged doe to the over-pressurization wave that occurs with an explosion. As well, there are secondary injuries from flying debris and bomb fragments. These include shrapnel injuries. Third, there are tertiary injuries such as those when a person is thrown in a blast and is injured.

This can create traumatic brain injuries, fractures, or spinal injuries from falling. Lastly, medical professionals say that there can be quaternary injuries from a blast. These include burns, toxic inhalations, and exacerbation of a patient's underlying conditions. For example, a person who already has asthma ,may have a tragic attack after an explosion of this kind.

If you were injured in the Boston Marathon blasts, you can create a claim and seek compensation when the perpetrator of the crime has been arrested. Doubtless the offender who caused this crime will be arrested and at that time the victims will come together to sue for financial damages.

Maybe you have a traumatic brain injury or another injury that has not yet been diagnosed by a doctor. If this is true, then you will want to get a personal injury attorney on your side immediately to start organizing your claim.

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