Featured News 2012 Summer Safety Tips & Precautions

Summer Safety Tips & Precautions

With summer only a few months away, many areas of the United States are already enjoying unusually pleasant weather. Outdoor activities are great ways for families to spend time with each other; however, many of these activities can turn into tragedy when proper safety is not practiced. One of the most dangerous activities involves swimming pools, lakes, and oceans. Every year, over 350 children under the age of 5 drown in swimming pool accidents alone. According to the Center for Disease Control, over 3,000 deaths occur from drowning every year. Swimming pool owners are responsible for ensuring that their pool has the proper safety fences and gates. Under premises liability law, if someone drown on their property, they could be held responsible, depending on the circumstances of the case.

Another safety consideration to take into account is in regards to outdoor grilling. Even though it may not seem like charcoal grills or gas grills could pose very much of a threat, there are some dangers that people may not be aware of. First of all, do not bring charcoal grills inside. The carbon monoxide that could be emitted from the grill could result in CO poisoning. This silent killer results in over 100 deaths every year. When the grill is outdoors, the poisonous gas is diluted into the atmosphere. However, when in a small enclosed space, it can prove to be fatal. Gas grills can lead to fires or explosions when not properly maintained or flammable liquids are used too near the flame. It is advised that owners check the grill and equipment for holes and cracks as well as ensure that the propane tank is always kept upright.

Another danger that is underestimated is trampolines. In one year, there were over 100,000 emergency room visits that resulted from trampoline accidents, 93% of which affected victims under the age of 15. Serious injury or death could result from colliding with another person on the trampoline, improper landing, falling off the trampoline, or from the springs surrounding the trampoline. Most of these accidents occurred at private homes so it is important that families exercise proper caution when using trampolines. First, it is best if only one person uses the trampoline at a time. Even if the instructions say more than one can jump at a time, it is still better to avoid the possibility of a collision altogether. Also, flips and somersaults are one of the main causes of spinal cord injuries and neck injuries. As the victim may become tangled in the springs, having a covering for the springs is advisable. Lastly, always have an adult present supervising younger child.

Not including trampolines, more than 200,000 children visit the emergency room every year because of playground accidents. Most of these injuries are the results of falls, which is why a safe surface is so important. If you have a playground at home, there are some steps you can take to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring. First is to install a shock-observant surface. Wood chips, rubber, or mulch can make all the difference when a child falls from playground equipment. Also, ensure that there are no pieces of glass or other objects that could hurt a child. Also, look for hazardous objects protruding from the equipment. Bolts or sharp edges and points can prove to be extremely dangerous. Although it may not seem like a serious issue, do not allow children to add to the playground by attaching ropes or using equipment for reasons other than they were made for. If you or a loved one were injured by any of these items, a personal injury lawyer could review your case and discover if anyone is liable for what happened.

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