Featured News 2012 The Dangerous Result of Rust in a Cut

The Dangerous Result of Rust in a Cut

Rusty objects are everywhere. Old metal structures develop crusty, brick red corrosion, as well as all sorts of tin items like cans, nails, and knives. It is very important that public buildings and areas avoid having rusty items around. Not only are these items trashy and unsanitary, they can be incredibly dangerous. If someone pricks his or herself on a rusty tin can or scrapes him or herself on the corner of a rusty filing cabinet, it may put that person at risk to a terrible disease called tetanus, along with the implications that come with a painful laceration.

This is a medical condition that prolongs the contraction of skeletal muscle fibers. If the disease progresses, it can cause spasms in the jaw, known as lockjaw. The spasms can also manifest themselves in other muscles in the body or cause breathing problems. The spasms are incredibly painful, and can cause fractures and muscle tears. Because the victim has no control over his or her muscles, he or she may also be prone to drooling, excessive sweating, fever, hand or foot spasms, and no control over bodily functions. The disease can be prevented by a tetanus shot or a post-exposure prophylaxis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people get the tetanus vaccine updated every 10 years.

The tetanospasmin toxin which enters the body through rusty objects is so potent that it can seriously debilitate the victim if he or she does not make an effort to prevent it. The vaccination is created by a tetanus toxoid. If you are cut by a sharp object and cannot remember the date of your last tetanus shot, chances are that the doctors will give you another one. Sadly, this shot cannot protect you from a fatal dose of tetanus. However, the shot may be able to kill tetanus antibodies before they form, because it takes two weeks.

Kids love the feeling of dirt between their toes or the warm pavement in the summertime. In fact, when the temperatures heat up, most parents don't require their children to wear shoes when they play outside. While this is an individual decision, you may want to think your position on a barefoot summer. Kids who play outside unshod may step on a dangerous item like a rusty nail. This can be incredibly painful, and put the child at risk to tetanus. Sometimes you may need to rush your child to the emergency room to have the nail removed. If you don't, then the wound may not be cleaned or removed properly.

Another potential place for tetanus to attack is in rusty utensils or instruments. For example, if a school provides their students with dissection kits for science, and those kits contain rusty scalpels and probes, then one cut could become a very dangerous thing. Whenever you discover that your children are using rusty tools in school you should notify the school board. If your or someone you love was cut by a rusty knife or scraped by a rusty metal piece of furniture, you should tell a personal injury.

If the occurrence could have been prevented by a party that was negligent to the obvious need for intervention, then you may have a case for personal injury lawsuit. Even if you or your child did not develop tetanus from the injury, the fact that you could have may be sufficient for the case. Public places like playgrounds should be very careful to remove rusty, dangerous materials from the area. If you notice rusty nails, staples, or playground equipment in your public parks, you should let the city board know.

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