The Doan Law Firm, P.C. Articles Cell Phone Dangers on the Road

Cell Phone Dangers on the Road

By Jimmy Doan  Sep. 21, 2010 4:13p

The convenience of having cell phones has made our lives easier in many ways, but it has also created a dangerous situation for drivers when people get distracted by them. According to recent studies on car accidents involving cell phones, almost 6,000 people die each year in the U.S. while an additional 5,000 are left injured.

Some states have legislation now making it illegal to use any type of cell phone while driving without an ear plug or blue tooth connection; they want your hands free for operation of the vehicle. Our attention should be mainly on the road and the large volume of accidents caused by cell phone distraction is what prompted the legislation in the first place. Even if a person has his hands free while driving, there is no guarantee that he will be undistracted while talking on the phone and auto accidents are still too frequent.

A prominent plastic surgeon in California was just recently killed when he accidentally drove his car over a cliff in the Malibu Hills on his way home. He was texting someone about his Border Collie dog Jill just prior to losing control of the vehicle. He did not survive the accident, but his dog did.  Although teens are more often the ones in violation of texting while driving, adults are serious offenders as well. Pew's Internet and American Life project stated in a recent report that 47% of adult drivers admitted that they send or read text messages while driving.

Campaigns and public service announcements have popped up in efforts to curb the problem, but with little impact.  Cell phone use while driving is still as popular as ever and many people wind up seriously injured in car accidents as a result. Even pedestrians are at risk of being hit while in crosswalks if a driver is distracted by use of a cell phone.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident?

If you, or someone you know, has been injured in a car accident whether it resulted from being distracted while they were using a cell phone or for some other reason, you can contact a car accident attorney at the Doan Law Firm for legal help.  We represent clients in the Houston, Texas area and are dedicated to confidently guiding individuals who have suffered injuries through the legal defense process. We will work closely with you, our goal being to gain  the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. We are available for questions, concerns, offering insights and giving direction in this time of confusion and upset. A serious car accident can turn ones' world upside down and we can help handle the legalities involved while you concentrate on the recovery process. 

Contact a Houston Car Accident Lawyer from our firm for a free consultation and we will go over the details of your specific case.

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