Law Office of Leonard Matsuk Articles Motorcycle Collision injuries Deputy

Motorcycle Collision injuries Deputy

By Law Office of Leonard Matsuk  Mar. 8, 2011 3:58p

Placer County Officer Hit By Elderly Driver

In a high-speed collision in North Auburn, a police officer was thrown from his motorcycle and rushed to a hospital, reports the Auburn Journal.

The crash occurred on Wednesday, February 23, on an active five-lane stretch of Bell Road. A car driven by 83-year old Auburn resident Hugh Morrill was pulling out of a parking lot, attempting to make a left turn out. Eyewitnesses said he must not have been paying attention to traffic, as he pulled out right in front of a cycle driven by Deputy Bradley Gravely. The officer reportedly tried to swerve out of the way of the car, but was unable to avoid being hit.

The Subaru driven by Morrill was damaged in the crash, but neither passenger sustained serious injury. Gravely was flown by helicopter to Sutter Roseville medical Center, while the unidentified female passenger in Morrill’s car was taken to Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital in an ambulance after she complained of chest pains.

Eyewitnesses Shocked By Crash

In the car behind Morrill, Louis Sigmond, watched the event happen in horror. He told police that Gravely was thrown at least 20 feet into the air, landing about 50 feet from the site of the collision.

“It was terrible. I saw him flying through the air,” Sigmond is quoted as telling reporters.

Investigators on the scene said they did not believe alcohol or drugs were involved in the accident.

Seek A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been hurt in an automotive accident, it is important that you contact an attorney who specializes in injury cases. With a help of an experienced Long Beach personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of Leonard Matsuk, you can get the compensation you deserve. Don’t let another driver’s negligence land you in financial trouble!

Contact a Long Beach motorcycle accident attorney to discuss your case now!

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