Law Office of Leonard Matsuk Articles Judge Grants Delay In Fatal Dog Mauling Case

Judge Grants Delay In Fatal Dog Mauling Case

By Law Office of Leonard Matsuk  Mar. 9, 2011 4:08p

Attorney Asks For Time to Review Evidence in Case

A couple has been charged with murder and manslaughter for a fatal dog attack on January 26 th. An attorney considering their case was granted a delay so that he could familiarize himself with the details, CNN reports.

George Walker, Attorney, has stated publicly that he is considering taking on the couple’s defense. Though he has not been hired by them, nor even confirmed his representation, he asked the San Francisco Superior Court for a stay on their arraignment, in order to give him more time to go over documents detailing the particulars of the case.

Though he is undoubtedly interested in the case for its prominence, he also seems somewhat reluctant to undertake the defense, saying that statements made by the couple have ‘tarnished their persona’, making the defense more difficult than it would otherwise be.

Former Fighting Dogs Maul Neighbor to Death

The incident occurred on January 26th, when two dogs in the care of a San Francisco couple attacked and killed Diane Whipple in the hallway outside her apartment. The couple, both lawyers, was caring for the dogs on behalf of an inmate who is alleged to have run a dog-fighting ring for drug dealers.

Marjorie Knoller, who was in the hallway when the attack occurred, is charged with 2nd degree murder as well as manslaughter. Robert Noel is also being charged with involuntary manslaughter for his part in owning two dogs known to be trained for violence.

Noel’s charge of manslaughter carries a prison sentence of a maximum of four years. Knoller, however, could be sentenced to as much as fifteen years in jail for murder.

Seek a Dog Bite Attorney

If you or a loved one has suffered from an attack by a dog, you may deserve financial compensation. The negligence of the dog’s owner should not be allowed to ruin your life or cause you undue pain and trauma. With the help of a Long Beach dog bite attorney at the Law Office of Leonard Matsuk, you can help make California a safer place.

Contact a Long Beach dog attack lawyer today!

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