Knowles Law Firm, PLC Articles Man Convicted Of Fatal Car Accident Sentenced To Two Years

Man Convicted Of Fatal Car Accident Sentenced To Two Years

By Knowles Law Firm, PLC  Oct. 21, 2011 9:29a

Authorities Said Driver Tested Four Times Over The Legal Limit For Intoxication

After pleading guilty to the crime of driving dangerously and causing a death, an English man was sentenced serve a prison term of up to 2 years and three months.

During the hearing, the judge said that the defendant's sentence was a warning to those who would drink and drive. The hearing was held at the Supreme Court in Hobart, where the 38-year old man was charged with his crimes and chose to plead guilty. It is believed that his decision not to contest the charge, sparing the family of his victim the difficulty and trauma of a trial was a factor in the justice's sentence.

The man will be eligible for parole after serving half of his 27-month sentence, meaning he could be released from prison as early as November of next year. He has also been suspended from driving for three years.

Scottsdale Woman Mourned By Young Daughter

The victim was a 40-year old woman from Scottsdale, Arizona. She is survived by her 11-year old daughter. According to documents presented before the court, the incident occurred on the night of May 15, 2010. The justice heard evidence charging the suspect with drinking heavily prior to the accident, before getting behind the wheel of a car and colliding with the victim's automobile on the Midlands Highway, south of Brighton.

"She is terribly missed by her parents and sisters," the Chief Justice said during sentencing, "and particularly by her daughter, who loved and depended on her very much."

During his trial, the jury was informed that the defendant had a previous history of driving while intoxicated, and had a suspended license at the time of the accident. A blood alcohol content test performed afterwards returned a result of .193 percent.

A Car Accident Attorney In Scottsdale Is Here For You

If you have lost a family member to the reckless behavior of another driver, the last thing you probably want is to be forced to endure a lengthy trial. It is imperative, however, that you hold the responsible party accountable and ensure that he or she cannot ever hurt another person again! At Knowles Law Firm, PLC, we know the pain you are feeling when it comes to wrongful deaths. A Scottsdale car accident attorney with our firm is ready and able to provide you with compassionate service, pursuing your best interests relentlessly in and out of the courtroom. You deserve financial compensation for your loss, as well as the satisfaction of bringing your tormenter to justice.

Please, contact a Scottsdale car accident lawyer right away to get the peace you deserve!

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