Don't Text and Drive Scholarship
By Goldberg & Osborne
Apr. 21, 2017 12:41p
The personal injury law firm of Goldberg & Osborne is helping to spread distracted driving awareness both in their home state of Arizona as well as on a national level with their Don't Text and Drive Scholarship.
Arizona students can pledge not to text and drive for a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship. New scholarships are awarded every month for a total of 12 scholarship winners per year.
Nationally a $1,000 Don't Text and Drive Scholarship is awarded every three months for a total of four scholarships per year.
To date the Goldberg & Osborne Don't Text and Drive Scholarship has garnered over 100,000 pledges not to text and drive since inception. Numerous scholarhips have already been awarded over the past year to help fund high education for students.
If you're been injured in an auto accident by a distracted driver who was texting, chatting or simply not paying attention, please contact an experienced personal injury attorney at Goldberg & Osborne for a free consultation to determine if you have legal recourse.
Goldberg & Osborne
4423 E Thomas Rd #3
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(602) 808-6200