Freedman Law Group Articles Effects of Defective Drugs

Effects of Defective Drugs

By Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman  Oct. 12, 2010 9:25a

In order for a prescription drug to go on the market, it must undergo a series of tests before it gets approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Once the drug hits U.S. markets, the FDA continues to monitor the drug through the MedWatch program- a program run by the FDA that allows for medical professionals and consumers to make reports on the side effects or other errors in relation to the drug. The system is not fool proof; dangerous drugs with deadly side effects do make it to the market. It is considered that their potential side effects were not discovered or ascertained during clinical trials. Unfortunately some defective drugs gain FDA approval at the expense of innocent lives and the financial benefit of big pharmaceutical companies.

Popular Drug Recalls

They've become a household name. You've watched the countless commercials with the beautiful actors and the doctor's in a white coat all telling you how great the drug is. You take comfort in the fact that you've seen the commercial a thousand times on a major media network. It must be safe, right? To make such an assumption can cost you your life. Some common side effects from defective drugs are:

  • Liver damage
  • Heart damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Death
  • Increased risk of stroke or heart attack
  • Pulmonary dysfunction

You may have heard of these defective drugs: Paxil, Celebrex, Meridia, Chantix, Norplant, Herceptin, Ambien, Aricept, Boniva, Levitra, Gardasil, Viagra, OxyContin, Prilosec, Prozac, Reglan, Ritalin, Tamiflu, Children's Tylenol, Cialis, Botox, Nuva Ring, Yasmin and Zoloft. This is just a short list; there are many more defective drugs that have been recalled by the FDA.

Patient Rights

You do have patient rights. If you or a loved one has suffered dangerous side effects or even death as a result of consuming a defective drug, a Michigan defective drug attorney at the Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman can help. When it is just you, up against the big pharmaceutical companies with deep pockets, you can't afford to seek compensation without the skilled advice and litigation experience of a Michigan drug defects lawyer. We have helped our clients get the compensation they deserved for their injuries as a result of consuming a defective drug.

Contact a Michigan Drug Defect Attorney at our firm today for a free consultation.

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