Latest News 2011 January Judge Rules in Favor of Defendant during Slip and Fall Case

Judge Rules in Favor of Defendant during Slip and Fall Case

On Thursday, the Michigan Court of Appeals confirmed a Washtenaw County Trial Court ruling that was in favor of the defendant in a slip and fall injury case.

In the complaint entitled Katherine Jean Hay and John Hay v McKinley & Associates, Inc., it is alleged that the McKinleys were responsible for a slip and fall accident that occurred on their property.  However, McKinley motioned for summary disposition and Judge Archie C. Brown granted the motion.  The Judge said that that ice which caused Katherine Hay to slip and fall was in fact open and obvious.

On December 16, 2010, an opinion was issued by the majority of an appeals panel.  The panel affirmed the lower court's ruling in the case. 

If you or someone you care for was injured during a slip and fall accident on a third party's property, it is important that you take the time to discuss your case with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as you may be allowed to take legal action.
