Latest News 2010 January City Prohibits Buses and Trucks From Crossing Railroad Tracks

City Prohibits Buses and Trucks From Crossing Railroad Tracks

After a tour bus and two semi-trailer trucks got stuck on the railroad tracks and were consequently demolished, the city of Colorado Springs has announced that only passenger cars will now be allowed to cross the railroad tracks at Royer Street between Las Vegas Street and Fountain Boulevard.

There have been 24 crashes at the railroad crossing since 1975, making it one of the most dangerous crossings in the nation.  For this reason, it is not a surprise that the city wants to prohibit large vehicles from crossing the tracks.

In order for the city to make the crossing safe for all vehicles, it would need to raise the street about four feet, which would cost about $1.5 million dollars.

For now, it's best for any large bus or semi truck to avoid crossing the tracks. If a vehicle were to get stuck on the tracks, and the drivers and passengers inside could not get out of the vehicle before a train came, they would undoubtedly suffer from severe injury, if not death.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a railroad or train accident, and you are interested in learning more about your legal rights, please click here to find a personal injury attorney near you!
