Illinois Bakery Named in Personal Injury Lawsuit
Posted on Dec 2, 2008 3:18pm PST
In St. Clair County, Illinois, a man and his wife recently filed a personal injury lawsuit against a Madison County man and the company he works for after all parties were involved in a catastrophic
motor vehicle accident.
According to the complaint filed, Ronald Leflore was driving with his wife when Jim Kruta Jr. collided into his vehicle. The complaint was filed on November 28th in St. Clair County Circuit Court. The suit states that at the time of the accident, Kruta was working for Kruta Bakery.
The plaintiff claims that the accident caused him to sustain painful injuries to his neck, left shoulder and body. In his complaint, he says that both he and his wife were hindered and prevented from attending to their usual duties and affairs, lost money and also suffered mental pain and suffering. Additionally, Mr. Leflore alleges that he incurred substantial medical bills from treatment after the accident.
Leflore is filing a lawsuit against Kruta and Kruta Bakery because he feels that Kruta failed to keep a proper lookout, failed to see Leflore, failed to keep his vehicle under control, failed to brake, failed to decrease his speed and failed to turn in order to avoid colliding with Leflore's car. He also failed to give proper warning to Leflore and followed Leflore too closely, according to the complaint.
Leflore and his wife are seeking a judgment of over $50,000 and have filed a three-count personal injury lawsuit.
If you need help with a car accident lawsuit, click here to find a
personal injury lawyer!