Featured News 2018 Safety at Summer Music Festivals and Concerts

Safety at Summer Music Festivals and Concerts

With the summer comes one of the highlights of thousands of people's years: the music festival season. Music festivals are fun, life-changing experiences, but they're also known for being...chaotic, to say the least. The free, "anything goes" spirit of these festivals are what make them attractive for people in their 20s and 30s—but it also makes them dangerous.

Sometimes, all it takes is someone else being a little careless, a little reckless, and before we know it, we're facing a lifetime of medical bills and financial instability. If you want to protect your dreams and ambitions, the best thing you can do is call an injury lawyer and file a premises liability case.

Here's why:

Your Future Depends On What You Do Next

Drugs, alcohol, large crowds, and limited space creates the perfect conditions for a serious injury. When you get hurt, there's no safety net. There's no one to catch you, provide for your medical care, or keep paying your rent while you're recovering. Most of us don't realize how little it takes for our lives to completely unravel.

If you are harmed at one of these festivals, you need to make note of what happened:
  • What injured you?
  • Did you trip on a cord and sprain your ankle?
  • Were you hit by a piece of stage equipment?
  • Were you injured when a concert artist was crowd surfing?
  • Did you suffer hearing loss because the speakers were up too loud?

Make note of all the details that lead to your injuries and write them out as clearly as you can. Why? Because this is how a premises liability case is built. Your lawyer will need all of this information in order to file a claim against the venue's insurer—or even against an individual if an individual was responsible.

Why Calling a Lawyer Could Change Your Life

Here's how your lawyer will help:

First, he or she will find out who owns the venue. In a premises liability case, the owner of a property is responsible for the safety of their guests (to a reasonable degree). If you were behaving the same way as any guest would be expected to behave, then they're liable for your injuries.

Second, he or she will gather all possible evidence to prove the cause of your injury. Chances are that there are surveillance cameras at the venue that may have caught your injuries on tape. Also, there may be footage shot by fans or concert staff. They'll get the numbers of some witnesses who may have seen the accident occur.

Most importantly, your lawyer will calculate the value of your damages. He or she will include wages lost during recovery, all medical expenses, and the extent of your pain and suffering.

Speak to a lawyer today—a free review of your case makes sure that your case is worth pursuing before you start in. At the very least, a phone call will give you some answers about what happened to you and what you can do about it.

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