Featured News 2015 Filing a Claim with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Filing a Claim with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

One of the hot-topic current issues that is constantly debated by parents and scientists alike is the need for vaccinations in children. Popularized by actress Jenny McCartney's claim that her son developed the neurological disorder autism following his injection with vaccines, parents across the nation have decried the need for vaccines, as they are fearful of the damages they can allegedly cause. In fact, the government has taken responsibility for some of the effects of vaccines by developing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

Can I file a claim with VICP?

The VICP was established in the 1980's following a host of lawsuits alleging that childhood vaccinations caused significant injuries. These lawsuits were so prevalent that many companies stopped the development of vaccines as a result. Congress established VICP to provide further solutoin. VICP places a small tax on every vaccine used in the country to compensate those that have suffered an injury from this medicine.

When a claim if filed with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, a specialty trained attorney will determine payment eligibility based on:

  • The vaccines covered by the VICP, which include Hepatitis A and B, Polio, Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Influenza
  • Relation to the injured party
  • Medical proof linking the injury with the vaccine
  • Whether the condition lasted at least six months after the vaccine, needed hospital care or surgery, or caused the death of the recipient

Depending on the information provided, the claimant may find themselves receiving past and future medical cost compensation, reimbursement for pain and suffering up to $250,000, and attorney's fees and court costs.

Hiring an attorney to file the claim can make the difference in receiving compensation for a vaccine injury and having a case dismissed. If you or a loved one are seeking to file a claim with VICP, use the directory to find a trusted personal injury attorney in your area.

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