Featured News 2014 Gunshot Wounds Cause Major Child Injuries

Gunshot Wounds Cause Major Child Injuries

Gunshot wounds send approximately 20 children to emergency rooms each day in the United States. A review of hospital records by a study author depicts that firearms caused 7,391 child hospitalizations during the year 2009. All of these injured individuals were under the age of 20. Dr. John Leventhal and associates at the Tale-New Haven Children's Hospital conducted a study on gunshot wounds and children to determine why so many children are taken to the hospital with severe injuries of this nature. According to his studies, out of the 7,391 children injured by guns, 453 died in the hospital. More than half of all gun injuries from the year 2009 were attacks on the child.

Still, one-third of all injuries were completely unintentional. Others were of undetermined causes, or due to alleged suicide attempts. Still, three out of four hospitalizations of young children resulted from accidental injuries. Every day, at least three children under the age of 15 are hospitalized due to a gun injury. The study shows that boys are more likely to suffer from gun injuries than girls are. In fact, nine out of ten child gunshot wounds occur for children. Black boys have a gunshot hospitalization rate that is more than 10 times the rate for white boys.

There are a variety of different wounds that individuals may suffer after being shot. The most common types of wounds are open wounds, fractures, and internal injuries to the chest, abdomen or pelvis. About 15 percent of the children injured by gunshot wounds suffered a traumatic brain injury or an injury to the nerves or spinal cord. These injuries require years of rehabilitation and can result in paralysis or a coma. Doctors at Yale say that the children that are victim to these unfortunate injuries rarely heal. Instead, the children often suffer the repercussions of their injury for the rest of their life.

HealthDay News says that 84 percent of all shootings involving children had to do with teens between the ages of 15 and 19. Two-thirds of these teen gunshot cases were related to assaults. Gang violence probably explains many of the gunshot injuries of individuals that are around this age. Some are also school shootings, and other arguments may have just been disagreements.

Many children get access to guns at their homes if they know where there parents keep a weapon for self-defense. According to Pediatrics, it may be important to store guns safely and store ammunition in another hidden location to make sure that children don't have any access to firearms. If you are injured due to a firearm incident or if your child is injured because negligent caretaker allowed him or her to play with a gun, then contact the firm today. Gunshot wounds can be debilitating, so it is very important that you contact an attorney and seek assistance with a personal injury lawsuit if you believe you have grounds.

For example, if you left your child with a babysitter, and the child picked up a gun and played with it, resulting in injury, then the babysitter can be sued. Also, if anyone allowed your child to hold a loaded gun on a field trip or another educational venture, and this resulted in injury, then you can seek compensation. Talk with a personal injury attorney about gunshot wound lawsuits and determine if you can hold a party liable for the incidents which have occurred. Don't hesitate to contact a lawyer at the firm today to get more information! With the right attorney there to help you, you will be able to seek compensation for all medical bills and pain and suffering!

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