Featured News 2014 Child Dies After Contracting "Rat-Bite Fever"

Child Dies After Contracting "Rat-Bite Fever"

Petco Being Sued After Child Dies From Infected Rat

A San Diego County family is filing a lawsuit against the animal store giant Petco after their 10-year-old son died from contracting "rat-bite fever." The family said that their son, Aiden, was quickly brought to the hospital on the evening of June 11, 2013 after he complained of stomach pains. Shortly after the initial complaint, the family said that he began to run a high fever, became pale and was having difficulty walking. The next morning, Aiden was dead. The unexpected tragedy struck the family deep and they recently took legal action against Petco.

Aiden's rat was purchased for him by his grandmother, and he has previously owned rodents as pets. According to the San Diego Medical Examiner, Aiden had contracted stretobacillus moniliformis, or "rat-bite fever," an infection that is passed directly from an infected rodent to a handler if they are bit or scratched. Approximately 200 cases of rat-bite fever have been reported in the United States and most cases are treated with antibiotics; however, Aiden's death was not a stand-alone incident, and his parents is hoping to see a change in the warnings and regulations that Petco takes when selling rats and rodents to the public.

Although this tragic accident happened in 2013, the family waited until necessary Center for Disease Control testing could be completed before filing a lawsuit. In the lawsuit, the family states the Petco acted in a negligent manner that led to the boy's untimely death. They stated that the retailer should have known about the rat's health and posted warnings regarding the risks of owning a rodent and handling a rat – especially when most rats are purchased as pets for children. Aiden's parents are seeking compensation for emotional and economic hardships and requesting that more action be taken to prevent other families from experiencing the same tragedy.

Aiden's case is unique, but animal bites are not an isolated incident. If you have been bit by an animal, or a loved one has contracted any sort of disease, including rabies, from an animal, you may be able to file a lawsuit. To learn more about your rights, contact a personal injury attorney now. Use this directory to find a local lawyer near you!

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