Featured News 2013 Personal Injury Possibilities: Trampolines

Personal Injury Possibilities: Trampolines

Trampolines are considered a fun child's activity and a great way to get exercise as an adult. Yet these bouncy platforms aren't always as safe as they may appear. While 85% of all trampolines now come with safety nets, this is not always enough to keep children safe from injury when on the exercise equipment. The Week reports that about 900,000 trampolines are sold each year, and that about 85% of all of these have safety nets attached.

This is because of a ruling by the American Academy of Pediatrics back in 1999, which required that all manufacturers of trampolines add safety features like nets to mitigate risk. Still, the AAP admits that the safety nets are not doing a noteworthy job at reducing the risk for children who like to play on trampolines. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics now takes the stance that American parents should not purchase home trampolines because the risk is too high.

In 2004 alone, 111,851 people were treated for trampoline injuries in the emergency rooms through America. The number decreased to 97,908 injuries in 2009, but this is still a large amount of accidents that could have been avoided. About 3,100 of the trampoline injury victims of 2009 had to remain overnight in the hospital for their injuries.

Statistics show that there are many more trampoline injuries every single year then there are bicycle injuries or skateboarding injuries. Part of the reason that the potential for danger is so high is because there are often multiple people on the trampolines at the same time. According to The Week, 75% of all trampoline injuries happen when there are multiple people on the mat at the same time. Sometimes they collide with one another, or use momentum to launch each other in ways that became dangerous.

About 45% of all trampoline injuries to children under the age of five that were on trampolines are dislocations and fractures. While these injuries typically don't require an overnight hospital stay, they can be excessively painful and debilitating for a small child. When a child is still growing, a bad break or dislocation can sometimes result in permanent damage. There are a variety of different ways that children can be injured on trampolines.

For one, children can fall off of the platforms. While safety nets are supposed to diminish this risk, it is still very real. About 27% to 39% of all injuries are caused by falls, which the AAP describes as potentially catastrophic. Another way that many people are injured on these trampolines is when they come into contact with the frames and springs.

Most trampolines are sold with a padding which is supposed to fit around the rim of the trampoline and cover the springs. Sometimes this padding will come loose or a person will take it off. In these instances, the springs are exposed. The hooks which connect the tarp to the frame on a trampoline can be very sharp, and the springs can pinch the skin.

About 20% of all trampoline injuries are of this nature. As well, coming into contact with the frame can be dangerous, as it is typically made of metal bars. If a person tries to do an acrobatic move and hits his or her head or back on the metal, it can be very painful or cause serious injury. About 50% of all trampoline injuries are to the lower extremities such as ankles and legs.

About 10% to 17% of all injuries are to the head and neck. While these injuries are less common, they are often the injuries that can result in permanent neurological damage. If you want more information about trampoline injuries or have been injured and believe that another party is at-fault for the injury, then you need to talk to a local personal injury attorney today. With the right attorney on your side, you may be able to obtain damages and compensation.

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