Featured News 2013 NSC Predicts 400 Memorial Day Traffic Fatalities

NSC Predicts 400 Memorial Day Traffic Fatalities

Memorial Day weekend is almost here, which means that millions of Americans will hit the road this week for a trip to friends or family. The National Safety Council predicts that about 400 individuals will lose their lives this weekend amidst the heavy traffic on American roadways, and that there will be about 43,500 medically consulted injuries within that time as well. The Memorial Day weekend starts at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24th and ends on Monday, May 27th at 11:59 p.m.

The NSC says that the fatality estimates should serve as a warning and encouragement for individuals that plan to travel this weekend. Drivers should look at the estimates and do all that they can to prevent accidents. If everyone could take the same precautions, then the number of accidents this weekend could be drastically reduced. The National Safety Council says that they discovered their average fatality rate for this weekend by analyzing data from crashes between 2006 and 2011 on Memorial Day Weekends. The holiday period average is about 12.86% of the total fatalities for the month of May.

The NSC announces that the average number for accidents this weekend is actually 7% lower than in recent years. This is partially because a struggling economy is discouraging drivers from making long road trips over the weekend. About 148 lives could be saved this Memorial Day weekend if drivers are willing to buckle up and make sure that passengers have their seatbelts fastened as well. The NSC says that if all car passengers and drivers wore seatbelts this weekend, it would result in 100 more saved lives.

In order to help improve safety on the roads during this busy weekend, it is important that drivers refrain from all cell phone use. Whether hands free or hand-held, cell phone use on the road can be extremely dangerous. As a driver, you should turn your phone off until you choose a rest stop where you can make calls and send texts. Also, it is important for all children to sit in age-appropriate safety seats. Seatbelt use is essential during this busy weekend on the road.

Anyone planning a road trip for the weekend should make sure to allow plenty of extra travel time. This will keep drivers from getting agitated if they hit Memorial Day traffic and will make the driver more relaxing. Also, allowing plenty of time will reduce a driver's tendency to speed, which can lead to terrible accidents. All drivers should avoid operating their vehicle if the start heeling drowsy, and should make sure not to drink and drive.

Memorial Day weekend is an ideal party weekend. Many individuals will be attending barbeques with beer or beach bonfires where alcohol will be present. If drivers choose to get intoxicated, it could result in a tragic DUI fatality. Drivers also need to be careful to drive defensively during their time out on the road. They should constantly be looking for dangerous situations and avoiding them professionally and reliably.

If you want more information about Memorial Day accidents, or if you are injured in a Memorial Day crash and want to seek compensation from the party at-fault, you are going to want a car accident attorney on your side. With the right lawyer there to assist you, you may be able to get the damages you deserve to cover your medical bills, property damage, and emotional damages. If you want more information contact a lawyer at the firm today and ask for assistance with your case. Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!

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