Featured News 2013 Fourth of July Safety Tips

Fourth of July Safety Tips

The Fourth of July is a fun and exciting time for friends and family alike. Whether it is gathering at your favorite lake, the local beach or your own backyard, Independence Day is a unique holiday where we can celebrate our country and enjoy the ones we love. However, as with any holiday come a lot of possible hazards along the way, especially for our children. Whether it is too much alcohol around the house, lack of supervision by the pools or the use of fireworks, what makes a fun holiday can immediately be flipped into the disaster we never expected. Due to the ever-present dangers, as parents, we should do whatever we can in order to help protect our children during this fun holiday. Here are a few simple, and yet vital, tips to consider for your celebrations this coming week.

According to the U.S. Consumers Product Safety Commission it is encouraged that any and all children under the ages of 12 years old keep their distance from fireworks. In fact, it is best if all children stay clear form the use of fireworks unless there is adequate adult supervision around. Another helpful tip to consider is in regards to the adult alcohol consumption at your party. While it can be a lot of fun to enjoy a few extra beers under the sky and fireworks, remember that your children are watching you closely and a few too many drinks for you can result in not only a poor example to the kids, but also further risks. In the event hat too many adults are consuming a lot of alcohol, it may become more likely that your attention will not be on the children who are in the pool and it could result in an accidental drowning or other injury. Also, if you plan on drinking at the party, be certain to arrange a nights stay at your friend or family members house or appoint a designated driver to be responsible for taking you and the family home. Remember, you choosing to drive safely that night not only affect your own life, but also the life of those in your car and on the road around you. By drinking responsibly, you cannot only enjoy a fun night, but you just may save a life.

Due to the numerous fire hazards that are present on this holiday, it is important to remember that you need to use caution when you light up a cigarette or cigar. Whether it is the extremely dry climate due to the July heat, or it is the extensive amounts of fireworks around you and your family, lighting up a cigarette may mean a disastrous ending to your family celebration.

If you do intend on using fireworks, be certain that it is legal in your state. For example, the state of California bans the use of personal fireworks, whereas the state f Idaho does not. Next, if you are certain that your state is ok with this, be certain to always have a bucket of water or a hose on standby before lighting the fireworks. You never know when something may malfunction, which is why having water on hand is always encouraged. Lastly, if you and your family plan on using sparklers, make sure that they are used only in safe areas away from all fire hazards. What many people don’t realize is that sparklers can reach extremely high temperatures and can not only be a hazard for fire, but they can also be a danger for children who do not know how to use them properly.

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