Personal Injury Possibilities: Household Fires
Posted on Oct 30, 2012 4:00pm PDT
Every year, thousands of people die in horrific house fires. Tens of thousands of people are injured in these fires when they are burned trying to put out the blaze or turn off a sparking appliance. A National Fire Data Center Topical Fire Report declares that 76 percent of all civilian fire injuries occur as a result of a fire in a residential building. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, cooking appliances and devices are the number one reason for house fires in the United States. 30 percent of all house fires start in the kitchen. This includes ovens that are left on, sparking microwaves, or stove burners that are not turned off after use. Many times it only takes a neglected stove burner and possibly a dishcloth tossed on the stovetop to create a massive and horrific fire.
In addition to kitchen appliances, the USFA says that heaters create the second largest amount of household fires annually. There are an average of 50,100 heating fires in residential buildings ever year and about 150 deaths from these fires alone. There are also about 575 injuries and upwards of $326 million in damages. The USFA reminds residents that you should never place flammable objects near a heater, as this starts many of these fires.
Another potential fire hazard is candles. Many people will light sweet smelling candles but place the flame too close to a flammable fabric or forget to blow the candle out as they go to bed. According to the USFA most candle fires result from human error and negligence. If possible, it is best to avoid using lighted candles. Instead, you may want to try using a candle warmer which will heat the candles from the bottom up. As well, you should only light candles that are placed in sturdy holders. Keep candles away from children and pets as they may knock over the flame and spark a fire.
While it may sound over cautious to monitor candles so closely, it is a wise idea. In fact, the USFA claims that 42 home candle fires start every day and more than half of all fires start when something that could burn is too close to the candle. For example, a candle that is too close to drapes may flicker towards this fabric and eventually ignite it upon contact. Every Christmas, many people experience a devastating disaster when they place lighted candles on a Christmas tree and watch it go up in flames. While placing candles on a Christmas tree may look like a charming, vintage decoration, the USFA says that it is not a smart idea. Never leave a candle burning overnight while you sleep.
A topical report states that 35 percent of all resident injuries in a fire like this are due to the fact that the resident chose to fight the fire inside before fleeing. When you are confronted with a house fire, time is of the essence. It is best to get away from the dangerous flames and contact 911 than it is to stay inside to fight the flames that can burn and injure. Not only do fires bring on the danger of thermal burns, but they generate smoke that can damage a victim’s lungs. One effective weapon against fires is smoke alarms.
55 percent of all civilians who are confronted with a fire were asleep at the time that the blaze started. You should make sure to install adequate smoke alarms with charged batteries in order to protect yourself from not realizing the danger of a fire and being injured or killed as a result. If you were injured in a fire that was not your fault, you may be able to litigate against the person or company that produced the product that caused the blaze. Contact a personal injury attorney today if you have more questions about burn injury or fire damage cases!
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