Featured News 2014 Personal Injury Possibilities: Mechanical Bulls

Personal Injury Possibilities: Mechanical Bulls

Western-style bars are known for their mechanical bulls which often rest near the center of the restaurant. Recently, a Manhattan hospital worker was riding a bull at Johnny Utah's in Midtown when he was tossed off of the animatronic animal. The accident happened on Super Bowl Sunday.

He claims that he landed awkwardly and didn't have a change to grab onto the straps. The victim claims that the bull at this particular bar is operated by a person. The individual who was operating the bull had it going too fast. He could not get a good grip on the mechanical animal, and was thrown to the ground where he broke his ankle and tore a ligament.

The hospital worker went to his place of employment to get checked out and had to get surgery after the incident. A metal plate was inserted into his left ankle to help recovery. He says that he couldn't walk or work for two months and was required to use crutches. The victim claims that he did not have alcohol at Johnny Utah's though he did have a few drinks at another bar before the incident happened. The bar and restaurant may be held liable if this victim can prove that they were negligent.

The plaintiff claims that the restaurant should have placed signs, barricades, warnings and other devices to notify people of the danger. The suit also says that the restaurant did not have the proper safeguards and padding on the ground to break falls. Records show that at least three other people have sued the bar for bull injuries in the past. If you want more information about mechanical bull injuries or other premises liability injuries at bars and restaurants, don't hesitate to call a local firm today to present your claim. You may be able to secure compensation based on negligence and premises liability.

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