Featured News 2013 The Different Types of Personal Injury Damages in a Claim

The Different Types of Personal Injury Damages in a Claim

If you have been wrongfully injured in an accident caused by the neglect and careless actions of another persona or entity, contact a personal injury lawyer immediately to begin fighting for the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering! Sadly, some may have lost a loved one in an accident of some sort, and they too may be seeking a wrongful death lawsuit in order to receive payment for the death of their beloved. Personal injuries can happen in just about any environment, and as long as the injury or death was the result of someone else's negligence or wrong doing, you may be qualified to file a claim. These situations would include: construction accidents, car/truck/motorcycle accidents, train accidents, defective products, premises liability, etc. Whatever the situation may be for you, contact a personal injury attorney in your area immediately.

When dealing with a personal injury claim, there are different categories of compensation that you may receive, and having a general understanding of these is helpful. Here is a list of the possible types of monetary compensation:

  • Compensatory damages (including both monetary and non-monetary losses from the injury)
  • Punitive damages

First off, compensatory damages essentially mean that the victim who was injured will have a certain dollar amount laced not heir life had the injury never happened to them. This amount will include the "value" of the injury, and whatever is necessary to help the victim and their family financially because of it. There are general and special damages that are included in this category. Monetary losses are the special damages that are given to those who have sustained a wrongful injury. Medical expenses are often the most common as an injury (even with the help of insurance) can result in extensive medical bills, many of which can cause a victim to go into debt because of having no way to pay them off. Medical expenses not only include what the visit has paid thus far, but also any other possible future needs for medical care or rehabilitation for the rest of their expected time they will be alive.

Next, compensatory damages will include the future costs of living if the victim becomes disables by their injury in any way. In many cases injuries can have life changing affects, and the court will take this into consideration when working through your claim. This also means that if your way of living has to change, the compensatory damages will help pay to adjust your life style. For example, if you were in a car accident caused by a faulty brake system, the compensatory damages will help cover the cost to make you home wheelchair accessible because you were paralyzed in the collision.

Loss of wages is another common part of compensation that will be recovered. This is often times because after an injury he victim will need to take days, weeks, months, and even years away from t their jobs in order to be treated and recover. This also includes any future earning capacity that may now be affected because of the injury they are suffering from. Monetary damages also include your physical property that was damaged in the event. For example, if you were in a car accident and they totaled your vehicle, you will be able to make sure you receive enough compensation to replace your ruined property. Last in this category, if you are the family of the victim who lost their life, compensatory damages will also include any costs from the funeral expenses.

Non-monetary losses are considered to be the general category of compensatory damages and this will include payment for pain and suffering that they endured. An accident can be traumatizing and lead to emotional problems down the road and compensation will cover this aspect of the victims suffering. In some cases, the injury will be so severe that the person is no longer able to experience the emotional and intangible aspects of marriage including the inability for sexual relations, companionship, affection, etc.

Lastly, punitive damages are the complete opposite of compensatory. When receiving compensatory damages the company or personal responsible is essentially paying you what you deserve; whereas punitive damages are a payment you receive as a means of making the defendant suffer financially for what they have done to you. This is often used as a warning sign by the courts to discourage others from engaging in similar activities that will place other people's lives at risk. While compensatory damages are what the victim will receive if their case is won, not all cases will include punitive damages; it depends on the situation. If you or someone you know has been wrongfully injured, contact a personal injury attorney in your area today for more informing!

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