Featured News 2012 What to Do with a Rouge Animal: Euthanizing Laws in Nevada

What to Do with a Rouge Animal: Euthanizing Laws in Nevada

When a dangerous animal is on the loose, it can result in serious injuries. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year. Of all of those injuries, about one in every five is one that requires serious medical attention. In one year, over 31,000 people had to have reconstructive surgery because of a dog bite. Most often, children between the ages five and nine are attacked by dogs. That is because these children are at a naturally inquisitive age and may not be able to ascertain that a dog is dangerous. Instead, they will walk up to pet the animal and receive a vicious attack.

Dogs are more prone to attack males than females. Many dog bites are incurred by the family's own dog. In fact, adults with two or more dogs in their home are five times more likely to be bitten by a dog. To prevent bites, people must choose safe dogs. Some dog breeds are better with children, less possessive, and naturally less violent. When shopping for a new pet, make sure to take these character traits into account and choose a dog that will be safe for you and your guests. If a dog is foaming out the mouth, walking around in an unbalanced or disoriented manner, or growling at you as you walk nearer, that dog may be diseased. Often dogs with serious diseases are mentally unstable, and may lash out.

In Nevada, a recent court case helped to define the state's opinion on euthanizing rogue animals. The Animal Control was given permission to euthanize a dangerous Rhodesian ridgeback mix on Monday, May 11th, after the animal attacked a boy on his first birthday. The little boy used the dog's fur to pull himself up into a standing position, and the animal reacted violently. Onion the dog lashed out at the little boy, targeting his face and head. The dog was originally owned by the little boy's grandmother, but she immediately signed over ownership to Animal Control. She said that she would not contest euthanasia or quarantine.

The story was covered on a news station, and an unrelated third party was burdened about the fate of the dog. This group of animal rights activists called The Lexus Project contested the euthanasia of the dog, and offered to take custody of him and then send him to an animal sanctuary in Colorado. Nevada officials listened to the activists' pleas, but determined that the third party had no right to swoop in on the case. Lawyers from the group want to appeal this decision. The dog is currently on death row, waiting for the euthanasia order to be written, signed, and filed. According to one attorney, chances are that the dog will not be put to death any time soon. The activists' hope that they can still fight for Onion's life.

The Lexus Project admitted that they have never met the family or the dog that they are trying to save. They simply believe that all animals deserve the right to live, and believe that the dog should not be locked up and denied his life. The defending attorneys stated that the dog was vicious, and had lashed out at a veterinarian recently. Also, Onion was known to harm other animals. According to the city attorneys, this pet was clearly dangerous and should not be allowed in a home where he could harm others. The court claims that they don't have a legal right to save the dog's life.

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