Featured News 2012 Kristin Chenoweth Injured on T.V. Studio Set

Kristin Chenoweth Injured on T.V. Studio Set

Lots of people get hurt on the job, but Kristin Chenoweth’s recent tumble made headlines when she was sent to the Bellvue Hospital in a neck brace. The petite star was filming in Brooklyn on the set of the T.V. series “The Good Wife” when she was hit by the lighting equipment that was being moved around. The light fell from above her, banging her on the head on the soundstage. The small blonde was rushed to the hospital when EMT’s arrived and placed her on a stretcher. She was then placed in an Intensive Care Unit and issued a neck brace in case there was damage to the top of her spine.

The actress was allegedly hit so hard with the light that she fell unconscious. The studio claims that the lighting mishap was the weather’s fault. Apparently a lighting silk was dismantled from its position when a large gust of wind blew through the studio. Thankfully, Chenoweth is recovering fast. She was seen smiling as she climbed out of her hospital bed on her own and sat in a chair for a recent interview about the incident. She was wearing a blue hospital gown at the time. The Broadway and T.V. star left the hospital on July 12th, 2012, but will probably be sent home to recover before resuming production on the CBS television drama.

She thanked all her fans for their prayers and love during her emergency situation. The Associated Press writes that Chenoweth’s injury wasn’t discovered by the press right away. A set supervisor called 911, but did not identify Kristin when she said that a woman had fallen and been hit by scaffolding on the roof. She was taken to the hospital with “minor injuries.” Though the head injury didn’t end up being anything intense, Kristin could have ended up in a traumatic situation. If this had happened, she could have ended her acting career. Many people never fully recover from head injuries, especially if they affect the brain. Victims have been known to sustain headaches, loose their memories, or function improperly because of a head injury.

Kristin expects the soundstage or production crew to cover her medical bills from the preventable injuries. Sound stages are dangerous places, full of cords to trip on and rigging overhead that can fall at any moment. If you are on the set of a movie or a T.V. show and are harmed, you may be able to get restitution because of premises liability. You don’t need to be a big star to end up in this situation. Many people in popular movie towns like Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York choose to volunteer as extras in big productions every year. While this can be a great experience, it provides the possibility of injury when in a crowd of people. Sets can topple, lights can fall, and costumes can create discomfort.

Chenoweth has been hurt on movie sets before. In fact, back in 2006, the 43-year-old was bumped and bruised when she fell on the stage after a mess-up in her Broadway production of “The Apple Tree.” Thankfully, she was in a rehearsal, and audiences didn’t have to watch the tiny star get pummeled on the stage. In 2011, Kristin took another spill when she fell down a flight of concrete stairs on the set of Glee. Often costumes in these movies or T.V. shows involve high heels, especially for a woman as short as Kristin. This can create trouble when navigating stairways over and over in a shoot, or performing complicated choreography. If you were injured in a studio accident like Kristin’s, then talk to a personal injury attorney to learn how you can obtain damages for your pain and the costs of your injury.

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