Featured News 2016 Practicing Motorcycle Safety on the Road

Practicing Motorcycle Safety on the Road

There is nothing quite like riding a motorcycle; you get to enjoy the freedom of the open road, and you get to enjoy the fresh air. Beyond how "fun" motorcycles are, they are cheap on gas and help you move through 5:00 traffic in a breeze.

Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle can be extremely dangerous, and often, this level of dangerousness has nothing to do with the motorcyclist's skill or ability. Instead, it comes down to the lack of protection, and regular motorists who fail to be on the lookout for motorcyclists.

Doing Your Part to Ride Responsibly

While riding a motorcycle is far more dangerous than driving a car or truck, there are things that you can do to ride responsibly and in effect, reduce the risk of a crash.

What you can do to protect yourself:

  • Take a motorcycle safety education course.
  • Properly maintain your motorcycle.
  • Obey the speed limits and rules of the road.
  • Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including sedating prescription drugs.
  • Always wear a helmet, one that meets the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.
  • Always check around you and behind you before you change lanes.
  • Proceed carefully at intersections.
  • Yield to pedestrians.

The majority of collisions involving a motorcycle and a motor vehicle involve drivers who never saw the motorcyclist. That being said, make sure that no matter what, you're always riding defensively. Two good ways to increase your visibility are to keep your headlights on whenever you're riding, day or night, and to put reflective materials on your motorcycle so other drivers can see it better in the dark.

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident with another vehicle, don't wait. Use our directory to find a personal injury attorney to help you file a claim for valuable compensation!

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