Featured News 2013 Prom Night Party Bus Driver Arrested for DUI

Prom Night Party Bus Driver Arrested for DUI

Prom night is something that students have been looking forward to for years. The excitement of knowing that you get to dress up, eat good food and dance the night away is something that most students anticipate during their years of high school. While people used to enjoy nice cars or limos for their transportation for these events, it is becoming increasingly more popular to pay for a "party bus" which allows twice the amount of people to be in the vehicle. These party busses will allow for the passengers to walk around and dance, enjoying even their travel time together.

Just a few weeks ago, a group of two dozen students was picked up by one of these party buses in order to be dropped off at their high school prom. Their parents took pictures, waved goodbye and entrusted the lives of their students tot eh driver of this bus who they ordered from the Limos Alive company in their area. The driver of the bus was not only experienced in driving, but he was also a driving instructor for buses, so clearly he knew the ways of the road; or not. Sadly, this group of teenagers realized that their lives were in great danger as they traveled to the prom, feeling the bus swerve through lanes and traveling at an extremely fast pace. Fortunately he students arrived at their destination in one piece, though extremely fearful for their lives. A couple of the kids went to their school superiors and reported the driver for driving drunk, after they saw him get out of the bus and stumble while he let them out of the vehicle at the school.

The school officials contacted the police immediately and the 54 year old bus driver was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and for reckless driving. When interviewed, the limo company claims that they are not responsible for the actions of the driver, though they do enforce a zero-tolerance policy for each of their employees. The school principal was outraged at this man's action, claiming that when you have the lives of two dozen teenagers in your hands, a driver needs to do everything possible to make sure they are safe. according to the police reports, when tested, the drivers blood alcohol content levels were six times the legal limit of a person operating with a commercial license which is 0.04 whereas a noncommercial drivers limit is currently 0.08.

It is fortunate indeed that none of these students were involved in an accident while this man was clearly driving extremely intoxicated. According to statistics, there are at least 10,000 fatalities per year that are caused directly by drink driving accidents, and it is the third leading cause of all traffic fatalities. To break these statistics down, this means that every 48 minutes someone loses their life, or an estimated 33 people per day in the United States. No person deserves to lose their life beaus of the careless actions of another individual, especially one who willingly gets behind the wheel while they are drunk.

In the event that you or someone you know has been involved in a traffic accident caused by a drunk driver, do not hesitate in contacting a personal injury attorney in your area today in ore to take legal action and fight for the compensation you deserve for your pain and differing! An attorney will do whatever they can in order to prove the negligence of the driver that lead to the injury and fight to seek justice on your behalf. Please use our website to help you locate a trusted lawyer in your area today!

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