Featured News 2013 Personal Injury Possibilities: Downed Powerlines

Personal Injury Possibilities: Downed Powerlines

If you are near a downed powerline, it is always best to steer clear. Typically powerlines will fall in high wind or in rainstorms and snowstorms. As winter storms sweep through portions of the Midwest, the heavy snow is causing powerlines to teeter and fall, taking the electricity from thousands of residents. If you come across a downed powerline, then you need to stay away. While most powerlines are dead, there is a possibility that there could still be an electric current running through the wires. If this comes into contact with water or snow, then it could cause a horrific and possibly fatal electrocution. In the past, people have died by getting to near to powerlines and stepping in water that was carrying electric currents. Because of this, Power and Lighting companies say that it is important to stay away from any downed powerlines.

Instead, you should call the local lighting and power company in your jurisdiction and tell them about the downed lines. It is safest to stay at least 10 feet from the power line at all times and never step in any water that is in a pool connected with the downed power line. You should also be aware that lines that are down are known to be dead but there are times that they can reenergize. This means that even if you are certain that the powerline is dead at the moment, it is important that you do not simply take this as a reason to approach the line. At any moment it could recharge and become a very dangerous and harmful. There are three main lines that can fall from their posts. These are telephone lines, power lines, and television cable lines. All three can run an electric current and be dangerous, so don’t regard one as more dangerous than another.

One of the biggest dangers with powerlines is when they strike something metal, transferring that current into the metal object. For example, if a powerline falls onto a car, a metal fence, or metal playground equipment make sure not to touch any of those items. Oftentimes the metal may be teeming with an electrical current that could kill you in an instant. In some cases, a metal fence may carry the current for a significant length, so authorities should put guards so that men and women don’t touch the metal fence unawares. If a powerline falls on your vehicle while you are inside, it is best to stay there and call local authorities and light and power workers to come and help you.

If you do need to exit your vehicle, you will want to jump clear of the car so that you avoid touching both the ground and the car at the same time and then shuffle your feet without taking them of the ground as you move away from the vehicle. You should never touch the power lines as you are trying to move away from your car and you should never drive over a downed powerline. If a powerline is in your away on the road, you will want to create a detour rather than try to move the lines that could have a strong current. If you are ever removing tree debris after a storm in your yard, check to make sure that there are not downed powerlines or fragments of the line in the debris. Sometimes these also can deliver a shock.

It is also very important that you stay away from flooded areas during storms that have contact with electrical outlets, appliances, and power chords. This is because these can also carry an electrical current and charge the water. If a person steps into the highly charged water it can even result in immediate death. If you have been injured by a downed powerline, then there is a possibility that you may be able to obtain compensation form a party at fault depending on your specific situation. Stay safe in the midst of storms and contact a personal injury attorney if you want to discuss your case!

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