The Importance Of An Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Attorney
By Kevin Davidson
Apr. 8, 2013 11:09a
Spinal cord injuries can be truly devastating and debilitating injuries that can affect basic functions like speaking, moving, walking, and breathing. Because they alter the way that the brain communicates with the rest of the body, severe spinal cord injuries can leave individuals needing constant care and medical attention for life. Spinal cord injuries can manifest as loss of sensation, nerve pain, loss of sexual function, inability to regulate body temperature or breathe without assistance, loss of bladder and bowel control, and loss of muscle control. Because they can be so life-altering, these injuries can also be extremely emotionally and financially stressful for individuals and their loved ones.
Cost of Spinal Cord Injuries
Medical and care costs can include life care, rehabilitation, equipment, etc. Other claims that can be filed are for vocational training, rehabilitation costs, lost wages and loss of earning power, pain and suffering, among others.
The severity and location of the injury will determine the functionality that spinal cord injury patients will retain. Injuries can occur as the result of falls, car and motorcycle accidents, sports, gunshot and knife injuries, and infections. Injuries can result in varying degrees of paralysis and cognitive function. These are just some of the most common causes of spinal cord injuries, but there are many others.
Contact a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney
Contact a spinal cord injury lawyer in order to learn more about your case and to discover whether or not you can file claims to receive compensation for your injury. If your injury is the result of another party’s negligence or criminal negligence you could receive a court reward. People with spinal cord injuries should be able to get the kind of medical and rehab care that they need without worrying about the high costs. But sometimes this is not possible without pursuing a case against the responsible parties and insurance companies. A spinal cord injury attorney can help to get the compensation that you or your loved one need in order to recover and rehab from an injury successfully.
While monetary compensation does not undo the injury, it can alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes with financial strain. Experienced spinal cord injury attorneys will not settle for a lesser amount than what you deserve and will be able to handle dealing with insurance companies who may initially deny coverage. Because life care, medical, and legal expenses can be very high, getting the best possible settlement is important.
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