Meyerkord & Meyerkord, LLC Articles Starbucks Sued In Wrongful Death Suit over Tip Jar Dispute

Starbucks Sued In Wrongful Death Suit over Tip Jar Dispute

By Meyerkord & Meyerkord  Mar. 11, 2011 4:15p

Clayton, Mo – The estate of a Starbucks customer sues the Seattle based coffee giant after a good-Samaritan was run over and killed after chasing down a thief who had stolen a tip jar, containing only $5.00.

March 5, 2008 – Roger Kreutz, a 54-year-old customer at a Missouri Starbucks observed a teenager (Aaron Poisson) swipe the tip jar off the counter. Kreutz, being the hero, ran after the teenager in an attempt to catch the thief. Kreutz followed the teenager into the parking lot, where a physical struggle ensued. Poisson managed to knock the 54-year-old man to the ground, where he then proceeded to back his vehicle into Kreutz and then, flee the scene. Roger Kruetz died two days later of complications due to his head injuries. The thief, Aaron Poisson was arrested two days following the incident in St. Louis; he pleaded guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to one year behind bars.

The Kreutz family sought damages against Starbucks in a wrongful death lawsuit, sighting negligence. The family was represented by attorney William Green. Kreutz surviving family members claimed that Starbucks was negligent, by leaving cash in plain view of the patrons, which led to the death of their family member because he had to chase down the thief, as opposed to proper security being at the scene. The suit claims that the chain should have avoided tip jars altogether, because they “invite the act of perpetration of a crime.” The victim’s father settled out of court. If someone you love has lost their life due to a wrongful death, contact a personal injury attorney for further assistance in pursuing a claim for damages.

St. Louis Wrongful Death Lawyer

If you or someone you love has been killed due to the negligence, recklessness or intentional harm of another, contact a St. Louis wrongful death attorney from Meyerkord & Meyorkord, LLC immediately. We have extensive experience in dealing with all forms of personal injury lawsuits; let us use our knowledge and experience to help your family receive the compensation it deserves.

Contact a St. Louis wrongful death lawyer from our firm today for a free consultation.

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