if I was injured while visiting a friend in Utah but live in California which state should I get an attorney?
(asked 150 months, 18 days ago in Draper, UT)
my friends cat attacked me and caused injuries enough to go to the hospital. when my friend tried to get his cat off me it turned on him. he joined me in the hospital. I am 26 years old now with cat claw marks on my face, arms, legs etc. my friends apartment does not allow pets. I was not aware he had a pet until I arrived. he is refusing to pay the hospital bill even though he said he would. I need to go to additional doctors and don't know what to due.
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38 Corporate Park
Irvine UT 92606 Orange County Personal Injury Attorney (949) 261-0553
Barrett Injury Law
Orange County Personal Injury Attorney
While there are a lot of laws on dog attacks throughout the United States, there are not nearly as many statutes regarding cats. In some states, the courts will regard cat attacks in the same manner as a dog attack and evaluate the damages based on the situation, nature of the animal, and involvement of the owner. According to HG, a plaintiff may be able litigate against an animal owner who allowed their cat to attack. You may also have the right to sue the landlord of the apartment complex if you can prove that he or she was aware of the cat even though it was against the apartment rules.
In most states, animal owners only have once defense in a pet attack case. Unless they can prove that you were intentionally teasing, inciting, or encouraging the animal to bite, then they can be held responsible for their pet’s destructive actions. In some states, the owner’s liability is determined by his or her knowledge of the animal’s dangers. For example, if a cat is normally friendly, but turns on a guest sporadically, then the owner may be allowed a break because he or she was not aware the cat was dangerous.
Yet if your friend knew that the cat could attack at any moment and still allowed it to roam about near you, then he may be responsible. Also, if your friend told you that the cat was dangerous, this may serve as a defense in his favor. As you can see, each animal attack case needs to be evaluated individually, so you will want to contact a personal injury lawyer to get more information. With the right attorney on your side, there is a large possibility that you will gain compensation that will cover your medical bills and pain and suffering.
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